2nd Annual Family Strengthening Parent Conference

Centro La Familia staff being recognized for their event support.

CalViva Promotoras leading Bailoterapia.

Centro La Familia staff and event attendees joined in on Bailoterapia.

The Resiliency Center shared information about their organization and Clinical Counselor Quentina Johnson (right) presented on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

All attendees received a bag of goodies, a blanket, a tumbler, and lunch to go.

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2nd Annual Family Strengthening Parent Conference!

A Centro La Familia client shares more about their experience with childhood abuse and how our organization impacted her healing journey

A summary of the testimony has been provided by Parent Educator Laura, who was able to interview the client about her experiences (pictured below). Further content from the testimony will be added the week of April 22.

This client, whose identity and name aren’t revealed to provide confidentiality, shared a testimonial about the abuse she experienced in her youth and her experience growing up in Oaxaca, Mexico without her parents.

The individual remembers the harsh words her step-grandmother would use to enforce and direct the oldest stepdaughter, which was her mother, to use physical abuse and threats against the children as a disciplinary measure. Although she was young, she has not forgotten the daily and constant threats that were used by the family with her sisters. She recalls feelings protected in a way, being the youngest of three siblings, but she can’t forget seeing the oldest of her sisters working from early morning till night to complete chores that entailed cleaning, cooking, washing clothes and much more strenuous work that was above her ability.

The individual lost both her parents in an accident when she was six years old. She struggled emotionally and physically to survive without her mother. Even though she was under the care of different family members, she suffered abuse and neglect. A secure or warm home wasn’t provided, especially because she wasn’t familiar with the caregivers.

After completing the Nurturing Parenting classes with Centro la Familia, the individual has learned the importance of breaking the cycle of using physical abuse and violence with children. She’s learned alternative and effective ways to positively guide her child. The parenting classes have helped her reflect on the constant abuse she regularly witnessed and received wasn’t normal. During her childhood she began to normalize the abuse, but she has now learned that her experience was physical and emotional abuse.

La persona de quien no se revela la identidad ni el nombre es para mantener la confidencialidad.

Ella compartió un testimonio sobre el abuso que recibió en su infancia y su experiencia creciendo en Oaxaca, México sin sus padres.

Recuerda las duras palabras que su abuelastra usaba para obligar y dirigir a la hijastra mayor, que era su madre, a usar abuso físico y amenazas con los niños para corregirlos. Aunque era joven, ella no olvida las amenazas diarias y constantes que la familia usaba con sus hermanas. En cierto modo se sentía protegida por ser la menor de tres hermanas. No olvida que la mayor de sus hermanas trabajaba temprano por las mañanas hasta por las noches en labores que implicaban limpiar, cocinar, lavar la ropa y muchas otras tareas difíciles que estaban sobre su capacidad.

A los seis años perdió a sus padres en un accidente. Batallo emocional y físicamente para sobrevivir sin su madre. Aunque estuvo al cuidado de diferentes familiares, sufrió malos tratos de abuso y negligencia. No tenía un hogar seguro ni cálido, sobre todo porque no estaba familiarizada con la gente.

Después de completar las clases de padres Crianza con Carino con Centro la Familia, ha aprendido la importancia de romper el ciclo del uso del abuso físico y la violencia con los niños. Ha aprendido formas alternativas y efectivas de guiar positivamente a su hija. Las clases de crianza le han ayudado a reflexionar sobre que el abuso constante que presenciaba y recibía a diario no era normal. Durante su infancia empezó a normalizar el abuso, pero ahora ha aprendido que su experiencia fue abuso.